From Design To Placement: Landing a Spot for Your Game on Casino Floors

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From Design to Placement

First-time game inventor and wondering how the process works? There are eight major stages to get from game design to casino placement. Here’s how you go from game invention and design to landing a spot on casino floors.

Stage 1: Game Design and Testing

  1. Design the game.
  • Draw the table layout with a Sharpie and large construction paper
  1. Test the game.
  • Invite a few friends over and deal the game to them. This is a great way to figure out the kinks and answer questions you may have never thought of.

Stage 2: Establish an Entity

  1. Start a business or LLC.
  2. Obtain an indepentant math analysis.
  1. Obtain an official mathematical certification from a registered Nevada independent test laboratory.
  • Costs and requirements vary.
  1. File for a New Game Patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Costs and requirements vary.
  • We recommend either Richard Newman, Jon Muskin or Donna More.
  • Keep a copy of the filing receipt for the Gaming Control Board Field Trial Requirements.
  • Note: There's a higher chance of having a patent granted if the client files claims associated with both the physical and electronic (ETG & digital) forms
  • Application for Patent
  • USTPO – Inventors Assistance Center - Toll-Free: 800-786-9199 - Local: 571-272-1000 - TTY: 800-877-8339
  • Casino Table Games have the designations: - CPC Group - A63F 2003/00164 - IPC Group - A63F 3/00

Stage 3: Design the Rules

  1. Create or commission a player rulebook with:
    • Rules of Play
    • Specific Examples of Game Outcome (win/lose/tie)
    • Game’s Pay Table
  2. Create or commission a document with the game’s pay table and/or pay schedule.
  3. Create or commission a dealer manual documenting the dealer procedures.

Stage 4: Design and Obtain Materials

  1. Design and order a custom table game felt layout. Include the following per the Nevada Gaming Control Board evaluation requirements, if applicable:
    • Player Betting Position
    • Game Instruction
    • Pay Table information
      • A payout table (or pay table) is normally shown on the table displaying different odds that are assigned to each scenario.
      • Multiple pay tables are highly recommended for your game and this allows casino managers a choice as to what they want in their casino. This makes your game more attractive to them. Another thing that makes your game more attractive is a Progressive bet. It’s recommended that you have an option available for a Progressive bet.
  2. Design and order new or modified gaming accessories or apparatuses (cards, dice, shakers, ties, etc.) associated with the proposed game variation/modification, if applicable.

Stage 5: Prepare to Market Your Game

  1. Commission a 1-3 minute promotional video showcasing the table game.
  2. Order a professionally designed field trial promotion packet.
  3. Order player rulebooks and dealer manuals.
  4. Market the table game to casinos for a field trial.
  5. Order custom designed rack cards.
  1. Prepare remaining documents (host casino and inventor) for the gaming control board new game evaluation once a host casino is secured.
    • Personal history record.
    • Notarized document containing specific understandings and allowances.
    • Request to release information form.
    • Document expressing the percentage ownership breakdown of the game.
    • A list of names, with phone numbers, the gbc can contact and discuss aspects of the game.
  2. Submit new game evaluation package in its entirety and in order with a $3000 check to the Nevada Gaming Control Board
    • Investigation by Nevada Gaming Control Board.

Stage 7: Begin Field Trial

  1. Initiate field trial with host casino for pre-determined time frame
  2. Host casino required to provide the Gaming Control Board with the data from the field trial.
    • Note: Communication with the casino representative is key to ensuring the data is provided in a timely manner. If the data is not received by the board in time, the field trial will not count.
  3. The Gaming Control Board’s enforcement division will prepare a request for final approval report and submit it to the Gaming Control Board and the Nevada Gaming Commission.
  4. The applicant and a representative of the field trial casino will receive written notification requiring their presence at the gaming control board and nevada gaming commission meetings. A live presentation will be required at the meeting.
    • If approved, table game promotion can begin at other casinos.

Stage 8: Sell Your Game

  1. Order additional table game layouts, rack cards, accessories and apparatuses.
  2. Market your game to customers:
    • Example: Showgirls giving away free swag at your table.
  3. Market the table game to casinos for a profit placement using the promo video and promotion packet.

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