5 Steps to Teach your kids Math

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Hello and welcome to Vegas Aces live stream. My name is Heather Ferris and today we are going to be talking about the five ways you can teach your kids math using gambling concepts.

If you are new to the channel, we cover all things table games. Whether that is playing table games, dealing table games, or doing in depth analysis on concepts related to table games.

I have a question for you guys. Put your answer in the chat. Do you have any different ways that we didn’t talk about in this video that you use to teach your kids math? Especially now with what’s going on? Let us know in the comments, so that way at the end of the video we can share with everyone.

The first thing you will need is a deck of cards. So for the first three concepts that we will talk about, we will be using a deck of cards. If you don’t have a deck of cards, you can go in the description. We have a link where you can buy these exact cards on Amazon. Pretty cheap, pretty easy. That way you can get it fast. Also, because of what’s going on right now with Covid-19 and how everyone is having to homeschool their kids, we thought it would be fun to be able to still teach them math concepts but using gambling concepts as a way to teach them. That way it is interesting for us, just as much as it is interesting for them.

Let’s get started. Let’s start off with No. 1. I am going to be breaking them up into different levels. So every number will be a different level. So our first one is preschool. What you are going to be teaching your kids on the preschool level is you are going to be teaching them how to recognize numbers. That is why playing cards is wonderful for this. They are sorta like flash cards in a way. And you can teach your kids numbers especially with the pips on here. It is very helpful when teaching your kids numbers. Again, what you do is take a deck of cards, you take all of the kings, jacks, queens, aces, take anything out that might be confusing to the child. Just have 2 thru 10 on there. Actually use it. Count out the number of pips and that way they can recognize the numbers and get used to the order. When you set this up 2,3,4,5,6. That way it is easier for your preschooler to help recognize their numbers.

The second one, No. 2 this is secondary level, elementary school. With elementary school, again you will be using a deck of cards, 2 thru 10 only. So take out the jacks, queens, kings, aces, that type of a thing. And for the elementary school level we are going to be teaching kids addition and subtraction. And again, cards are fantastic for teaching kids addition and subtraction. So if they have any troubles they can use the pips and they can count, either on their hands depending on how old they are or in their head. And they can do addition or subtraction by using these cards. So it’s pretty much the same thing as how dealers learn how to count. I kids you not. A lot of people don’t know how because they don’t use it on a daily basis.

One of the things we teach dealers is card counting drills. Go ahead and check that video out and everything. It’s one of my earlier videos. But you basically take the card, put it down. Okay we got a 3. Take the card, put it down, we got an 8, that’s 11. And you are using the pips and the numbers. Either add or subtract. So those are the very two first levels. Now before we go on to level 3 which is middle school. Please remember to always tip your dealer and now you can with Superchat.

So let’s move on. Next up is middle school. So with middle school what you’re going to be teaching your kid is percentages. So this one is pretty fun. Again you are going to be using a deck of cards, but you are not going to be doing 2-10 you are going to be using all of them. Depending on what you teach your kid, you’re going to have to separate out the deck of cards. If you are doing percentages, let’s say you’re trying to teach them 50%. Fifty percent is usually the easiest, 100% yeah but 50% is usually next up on the list. When you do 50%, what you're going to do is separate the cards out into red cards and black cards. This demonstrates to the kid, 50%. Fifty percent of the cards of this deck are red, 50% of this deck are black. If you shuffle them together and do red, black, red, black, they can see the difference of what 50% is in actual, in real life (IRL).

Fifty percent by dividing the deck into red or black. Another thing you can do with percentages is go to the next stage which is 25%. When you do 25% you’re going to be separating the cards into different suits. So you have 4 suits, each one is 25%. So separate them into different categories and you can demonstrate 25% using the different suits. And if you want to go further, and poker players use this concept alot, you could actually go further and do, what is the percentage of one card? So let’s say, what if I get an ace? Well the percentage of getting an ace, since there are four suits and there’s 13 cards in each suit. You have a one out of 13 chance of getting the ace, or 7.69%. So again for middle school, cards are really good for teaching your middle schooler percentages.

Okay so next up is High School. This is the next level. For high school what you are going to be teaching your high schoolers is probability. Now with probability you are going to be using a pair of dice. If you want more information about probability and what we are going to be talking about, check out the link in the description below. I did a whole video on this, on probability, on dice, on coin flipping, on all of that. So if you want more of this information check out the link that I have in the description below. So get yourself a pair of dice. If you don’t have a pair of dice, again link in the description so that way you can buy some dice on Amazon. If you want to have fun and get jumbo dice, the link is in the description for that as well. Much easier to see.

So with dice, just as with a coin clip, you are teaching your high schoolers probability. Let’s say with a coin flip. What is the probability the coin is going to land on heads? It’s 50%. One out of two times. What is the probability the dice is going to land on a two? It’s one out of six times, because there are six possibilities. So then we go into, what’s the probability of four two dice? Again check out the link in the description below. I think I go 10 minutes into this whole subject, so lots of information. But you can use the dice to teach your high schooler probability. What is the probability?

If you have any ways that you teach your kids math, using gambling concepts, also put that in the comments so that way we can share some different ways that I might not have talked about in this video.

So let us go on to level No. 5. Level No. 5 is college. What can you teach college kids? Well you can teach them budgeting and bankroll. They are 21 by now so they can go gamble. Budgeting and bandroll is a great way to learn budgeting in your own life. Bankroll teaches them how much money they actually need to make money and it scares people away from gambling. So that is usually a good thing. I’m going to give you an example for gambling. For budgeting and bankroll. And if you want a link to this example, go ahead and find this link in the description below. This is from www.legitgamblingsites.com. So Bob is going to go to the casino on his next trip and play for six hours each day for four days. He likes baccarat, and always bets on the banker. So the house edge for the banker is 1.06%. If Bob bets $20 per hand -- let’s say Bob bets $20 per hand and he plays about 100 hands per hour. In order for Bob to play the entire time, he needs to take four times his expected loss to make sure he doesn’t run out of any money. So you’re going to be figuring out how much Bob will lose on average while playing in order to determine how much bankroll he needs to play. So the formula to determine his loss per hour on average is the house edge as a decimal times the amount wagered per hand times hands per hour.

Example: (house edge) x (amount wagered per hand) X (hands per hour) 1.06% house = .0106 X $20 X 100 = $21.20

This means that Bob on average is going to be losing $21.20 per hour. If he plans on playing for 6 hours per day for 4 days then he is going to play for a total of 24 hours. Twenty four hours X $21.20 is an average loss of $508.80. Because he needs to take four times as much to make sure he doesn’t run out of money. The final number is $2035.20.

Again this is an excellent example for gambling cost. It’s really good to point out the house edge for these equations. Showing people how much money that they will potentially lose and how much money in order to play will usually cause several college students to swear off gambling, because they can barely keep a roof over their head, especially right now. But again, it’s a really good way to teach your college students budgeting and bankroll. If you want the link to the example that I gave you, go ahead and check out the description below where you can find the link.

So we talked about the five levels. If you have any questions. Go ahead and ask them. Speak now or forever hold your peace. If you have a way that you teach your kids math that we didn’t talk about in this video please put that in the comments as well. Now that we are at the end of the video. Let’s go to your comments. Let’s talk to you guys. Let’s say hi and see how you guys are doing. Thank you again, very much for the superchat. Really do appreciate it. I am going to be taking a swig right after this. Thank you again. If you don’t know what I am talking about I have superchat perks. A $10 superchat means that I take a swig so again thank you. Let’s see what you are saying.

Hey everyone! Scornedone is here. Joey is here. Aonwar thank you! Sweet!

Thomas says, “We like to use dice and cards to play math games.”

Yes, very good to use for math games and teaching your kids math. How many of you guys have kids that are learning at home right now? Don’t mind my phone that I forgot to turn on silent by the way. It will stop eventually. Hate it when that happens. Live Streams! Woow!

Okay, here’s one. “It’s not gambling related but kids can learn a lot about math using darts. Especially the 2 and 3 times table. Addition of the score, plus subtraction of the total, averages will use division and decimals.” Very, very good point. Darts is also another great way to have fun with your kids and still teach them math. Very good point.

I like those dice, where can I get a pair. Well Joey as a matter of fact they are on their way. So hopefully you will be getting your dice soon. If you guys like these jumbo dice and you want a pair for your home. I have a link in the description so that way you can buy your own pair of jumbo dice.

“I wish I could use some bankroll education!” If you check out, I think it was two videos ago, maybe one or two weeks ago, I did an AMA with Mike Shackleford, the Wizard of Odds, on his channel The Odds Must Be Crazy. Where we actually go into depth about bankroll and bankroll education. So go check out that video out and I hope it helps.

Oh you guys are so sweet! Thanks so much for the Superchat. Really do appreciate it. I am going to be taking a couple drinks after this and I will be giving Pip her treats, thank you again! And it looks like none of you guys have any other questions or comments. I mean you have plenty of comments. You don’t have any other questions. I love seeing your comments! Well if you guys are watching the replay and you have any questions, if you need anything, go ahead and put them in the comments and I will reply. I will answer your questions. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope this helps. I hope you enjoy. And I hope to see you on our next livestream which will be on Thursday at 1PM PST. That one is going to be a fun one. We are going to be doing Casino Stories with Jay. Casino Dealer Jay! Really looking forward to that. It’s going to be a fun one. See you there! Thank you again.

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