Cheques vs. Chips, Breaking Down Stacks & Splashing

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Cheques vs Chips

Q: "Cheques? I always thought that the name was chips?"

A: The terms “Chips” and “Cheques” are both referring to a small round clay disc. The term “Chip” is used when that clay disc has no monetary value. For example, if you are at a friend’s poker night and everyone is just playing for fun, then those discs that you are using would be referred to as “Chips” because you are never going to exchange them for cash.

The term “Cheque” is used when that clay disc does have monetary value. For example, the Cheques you get at a casino can be turned into the cashier’s cage for cash. An easy way you could remember it is “Chip” means its worthless while “Cheque” means it has monetary value.

Breaking Down a Stack of Chips

Q: “First, would a $1,000 “Mini-stack” be five cheques, or $5,000? Second, have you ever handled gaming “plaques” (the rectangular-shaped chips/cheques that are like $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, or $100,000)?”

A: First, both $1,000 cheques and $5,000 cheques are broken down into 4 stacks of 5 cheques each with the last stack being broken down even further into 2 stacks of 2 cheques each and one on the side. Depending on what casino you work at, they might want you to bridge the last stack instead. Always know your house rules.

Second, the gaming plaques that Tubewings is referring to are often seen in movies such as the James Bond movies or Pink Panther. These large rectangular cheques usually represent a higher denomination cheque and are played with by highrollers or whales.

No, I have never handled plaques. I dealt in high limit a couple times and the highest denomination cheques that I dealt with were $25,000 cheques.

Splashing Cheques

Q: “I was wondering about proofing a stack. The three places where I worked, we would always splash the last 5 chips. We did it when opening and closing a table, or giving change for cash or cheques. Do you think doing that is acceptable or a No No for an audition? Because I don’t know this particular casino’s procedure and I can’t watch because they aren’t open yet.”

A: Since you don’t know what the normal procedure is because the casino hasn’t opened yet, when you go to the audition before you go on a live game ask the floor or shift manager if they would prefer you to bridge the cheques or splash them.

For the people out there who want to audition at an already established casino, then it’s a good idea to go to that casino beforehand and look to see what procedures the dealer uses when handles their cards and cheques. That way when you go to the audition you will already have a good idea of what is expected of you.

Splashing the cheques is considered to be a break-in move. It looks more professional to either bridge the cheques or keep it as a stack as long as it’s under 5 units. The way the cameras are positioned, the camera operators can easily spot a stack of 5 units or less. But when a dealer splashes the cheques, them some operators will need to take the time to count out all of the chips which makes their job more difficult than it needs to be and that lessens game security. But, as always, every casino is different so make sure you know your house rules! I know there are a couple of Indian casinos out there that requires their dealers to splash their cheques.

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