Craps Press Moves ft. Casino Dealer Jay

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Heather: So Jay you are here and you are going to help us with press moves. This is so exciting.

Jay: I just want to say I love that intro. It is pretty awesome.

Heather: Thank you. Now press moves are something that craps dealers have to do all of the time. When you are learning to be a craps dealer you actually have to sit down at home and practice over and over and over again, these moves that we are going to go over. So that way when you are on the table and you have to do it it is automatic and you know exactly what you have to do. I am really really happy you are here and you are going to go over these press moves with us so that way the people that are watching can follow at home. They can practice these press moves to make them a better craps dealer.

Jay: Awesome. So these press moves have actually been passed down from dealers before me. Basically what these press moves are – they help you with the efficiency of your game when you are dealing with specific bets. Now in this instance we are going to be focusing on the six and eight. So for those of you that haven’t dealt craps yet, you need to take a step back and then we will do some fundamentals before that. We might do that in future videos. Heather, if you have me on, I would love to show warm up drills.

This video is for people that are just learning craps and you are on your first shifts on the table. We are going to be doing a few press moves here.

Like I said before, the importance of these moves – it’s not about being flashy or anything like that, it is just to provide efficiency because when you are on a busy game you don’t want to be out there trying to press a whole ton of bets, and spend a few more moves and spend a lot more time on there. Because when your hands out here there is a chance of you getting hit by the dice. For this video I am going to show you six to sixty. Your $6 eight, that is your standard place bet. With this layout that I have here, I am just going to put the money that goes to the player here. And anything that goes to the box over here just so you can see it. On a regular table my hand is going to go pass the pass line when I am giving out change.

So let’s start with our $6 place bet. So let’s put that here. Everything that I am going to hand out to the player after the press, so the money that they get from the payout will go here. Anything that I am going to bring into the box I will just put over here. Normally you will bring your outside hand out pass the pass line when you are giving out any payouts to the player.

But in this instance so you can see it, I will show it here. Let’s start with our $6 bet it pays seven. So I am going to take out two ones and a five. All you are going to hand out the count to the player. I am going to grab my one and hand it out to the player with my outside hand. My inside hand is going to stack up the rest. So your bet now looks like $12. Okay so the next count $12 pays $14. I am going to take out 4 ones and 2 fives. Now the move here is to take one from the payout put it on the place bet and leave one. So take one and leave one. The player get’s $8. Your inside hand is going to stack the rest.

I am just going to show you the most common ones, like these are the ones that I use. There are a lot of other moves that you can use as well. These are the typical ones that have been passed down. They are the most common ones.

The next payout here $18 pays $21. So I am going to take out 1 one and 4 fives. The player is going to get $15. What I am going to do is take my ones from the place bet and put it on the payout, handout the 15 to the player. Now my bet looks like $24.

Okay the next payout is $28. Now the most common one is 30 for two. You are going to overpay it by $2. So you are going to take $2, give that to the box. Handout $22 to the player and then stack up your bet. Now you are at five units.

The next payout is $35. Now what you want to do is increase this by $6, so you need to take out some ones unless the player is going to throw one in. So let’s just assume that the player has no ones. So I am going to take out 5 ones, 1 five, and 1 twentyfive. Now all you are going to do is keep $6. Now all I do is drop cut one, grab the quarter and hand out the $29 to the player and the stack the $6 on top. Now your bet looks like $36 and $29 out to the player.

Now the next payout, you have $36 the payout is $42, this is a very easy one. It’s just going to replace. I am going to take out $42 which is 2 ones, 3 fives, and a quarter. This bet is actually going to turn into $42. So it’s that right there. So this goes out to the player, this get’s stacked up and there you go. Now your bet looks like $42 but it’s $36.

The next one – So you have seven units it’s going to pay 49. So I am going to take out 4 ones, 4 fives and a quarter. Now when I add six it’s going to look like $48. I have $49 here so all I am going to do is take one, put it on the place bet and my inside hand is going to stack up the rest. So now my bet looks like $48 and $43 goes out to the player.

Almost there, we are getting close. So now I have eight units, we are going to go to nine units. First off the payout is $56. So I am going to take out 1 one, 1 five, and 2 twenty five dollar chips. If I add six to this the payout is going to look like 54. So I have a 50 and four ones. So what I am going to do with my inside hand is grab the ones, stack and come across. Then my outside hand is going to grab the five and stack on a place bet, hand that out to the player. The player get’s $50 and now your bet looks like $54.

Now the last one is $63. I will show you the easiest one. So the payout is 63. I am going to take out 3 ones, 2 fives, and 2 twenty five dollar chips. The bet is going to look like $60. So what I am going to do is take the ones, stack it on the bet, hand that out to the player and then stack up the rest. So the player gets $57 and now your bet looks like $60. That is how you go from $6 to $60. I am showing you the most common presses, so hopefully that will help you out. Anything to add Heather?

Heather: I think that is really awesome. I really appreciate you showing people this. Again for people who are out there watching, these are the presses that you want to practice in order to be a better dealer.

Thank you so much Jay for showing people that. I did have a couple of questions to ask but really quick for those who are watching, these are the presses that you want to practice at home so when you do get on the craps table and you do have to do presses then you know exactly what you are doing, it’s automatic and you don’t even think about it. So I have a couple of questions for you Jay. My first question is, when people are doing presses on craps, especially new break in dealers, what do they have the most trouble with?

Jay: I think that when you're actually doing the presses – it’s really tough to actually do them in the middle of the game, unless you have it down pat. It’s the same with a lot of the other games. Like in roulette for example, just kind of understanding well there is a picture bet there, there is straight math. It’s the same with craps, like when you are dealing with keys or just when you are dealing with bets, it’s really difficult to just actually put it in the middle of the game if you just learned it. So this is kind of the opportunity that you have, like when you are at home practice, practice, practice until you’ve got it down. You have to do it a few times. Make sure you do it at the right time. You don’t want to try something new when you are like on a really busy game. These are meant to make you more efficient in the long run. But if you don’t have it memorized at that point in the middle of a game, just keep the $6 and move on.

Heather: That is good advice. Definitely have this memorized before you go on a busy game. Otherwise you are going to freak out. Talk about a stressful moment. Is there also a key that makes it easier to remember what is next? For example I remember and I am probably wrong on this, someone was telling me you just add the cap?

Jay: If for the cap – yeah that is right – if the cap is correct – so in the instance where I showed you $54 this is a converted cap. So the cap isn’t really correct here. The cap is supposed to be 9. If you have the right cap then you can actually add it to the complete bet itself. So it would be 9 plus 54, right? So it would be 63, that would be the payout for this. But the other thing is you can go 7 times whatever the cap is as well. So if I have a $24 bet, my cap which is offset is $4 so it would be 7 times 4 that would be $28. That would be the payout for this. It’s really important to understand what units you have, especially when you are working with quarters. I think down the road we can talk a little bit more about that. Knowing how many units of 6 you have makes it a lot easier. That is what you do to calculate your higher payouts.

Heather: Cool. Very very cool. What are the most common presses that you see? I know we went through 6 to 60, but from 6 through 60 what are the two or three most common presses that you see, that you just do all the time?

Jay: Usually it’s the lowest levels because when someone is pressing you either have someone that’s going to go one unit from $6 or they are just going to go parlay, parlay, or a maximum press. So it’s usually the first five that are the most important. So getting to like 30. The 30 for 2 is – sorry the take one leave one is very important and then up to like 30 for 2. So when you have the $24 bet, you are instead of pay $28 you are going to take 30 for 2. That is a super important one. Although there are times here where you would take out $28 because you would want to give the player a lot of ones, if they are betting a lot of center action. It’s really dependent on the type of the game that you are dealing. It’s what the players are doing as well. If you have someone that is tipping you and they need ones, you are going to give them ones, right?

Heather: That is a really good point, even when you are on the craps and you are not doing press – just anytime when you are on the craps table, when you are – I should say the most important thing to do when you are dealing on the craps table is watch your rack, watch your players rack. You want to make sure they have a lot of dollars in their rack, then they feel like tipping you more. It’s one of those “soft hustles” where it’s not really a hustle, it’s like a soft hustle, is if you always make sure your players have dollars in their rack, then they are more likely to tip you. So watch the rack, it’s really important.

Jay: Yep.

Heather: What is the craziest press or pressing sequence that you have ever seen?

Jay: Oh man! I have 106 for 50 press which is a little crazy and it’s a few moves. I will have to show you.

So John, who has also been on your YouTube channel, has taught me a lot of presses. This is the craziest one that he has shown me. It’s just pressing the 6 and the 8 one unit. Again there is another video for that when you can go from 6 to 60 for both of them. In the middle of it there is actually where you have 48, so you are going to actually make these both $54. What you are going to do is you are going to take out 106 instead of 56 which is 52. You are going to bring out your 6 ones and your 4 fives, and then what he does is he grabs the caps and rolls it and then he actually cuts into, stack and bring this back just like that. This goes out to the player and this gets set up, just like that. So yeah it’s a lot of moves just to turn two bets into 54 with converted cap. That is a 106 for 50 press. It’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. And yes I have used it in a live game.

Heather: Wow! Oh my gosh!

Jay: Yeah. Sorry while we are at this actual camera here I want to show you guys some practice payouts. I know like, you know starting from 6 to 60 is really though and a little complicated but for you to understand, you first need to understand all the payouts.

So what you wanna do is you wanna start with seven and then 14, 21 so know all the payouts from six until 16 and then just do the payouts and practice them that way. So 28-35-42-49-56-63. So when I'm doing this, it's kind of understanding what each one of your payouts payout, but it's also understanding like what you're thinking and what you're bringing out into the come. Once you are kind of understand all of the payouts, then it just makes a lot more sense for you when you're working with the placements themselves.

Heather: Awesome. Really really good good advice

Jay: All right

Heather: Sweet. Thank you Jay so so much for being on and for showing us all of that. I really do appreciate you coming on and spending time and doing this. I have had so many break in craps dealers that have asked me for more videos on craps.

Jay: It's my pleasure. I know we've just been friends for a little while and we've just connected but I've always had your videos when I was working in the casino and when I was managing and everything that you've brought in with content wise it's actually helped all of the staff that I got to manage. So I totally appreciate this channel. And you know if ever you need any help with with craps videos or any other kind of videos then for sure – it's my pleasure to share the information that I've learned

Heather: I really appreciate that I'm giving you a virtual hug!

Jay: Thank you.

Heather: Again if people want to find you, where can they find you on YouTube, Instagram your podcast you're doing so much, where can people go and watch and listen and see your content?

Jay: If you want to see some old guys talk about you know chip life and and casino life then definitely you can come to my channel it's a “Casino Dealer Jay” – but also have Heather on as well and she's been on a few times. So you can see interviews that I have done with her and our podcast again is “Tales From the Casino Pit” so you can search that on iTunes and Spotify and you'll find us there too

Heather: Awesome and again we'll have all those links in the description below so you could go down there and go directly to Jay's content, watch this stuff check him out. He's got really really great stuff and some really funny stories. That does it for today's show. Thank you guys so much.

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