Casino Terminology

Commonly used lingo and phrases on casino floors. Browse definitions by game!

Baccarat Terms

This is similar to a Vig. This is the amount deducted from a winning hand and given to the House. Normally it's 5%. In Pai-Gow, this occurs on any winning hand, while in Baccarat, it only occurs when a Banker bet wins.
There are two outcomes that the gambler can chose to back if they want to win a hand and Player is one of those designations. Both the Player and the Banker have no association with the house or the gambler.

Blackjack Terms

This is when you have a 10 value card and an ace card on your original two cards.
Book, The
This is the small plastic strategy card that you can buy at any gift shop. This tells the player the recommended way of playing a hand.
Also known as Bust, this is when the player goes over 21 and loses the hand.
Also known as Break, this is when the player goes over 21 and loses the hand.
Cold Turkey
This is when two face cards are dealt.
This is when the player bends, indents or crimps the top or side of the blackjack card in order to track it.
Cutting The Deck
Every time the dealer shuffles the deck, they hand the player a yellow card. The player is supposed to take this card and put it in the deck somewhere in the middle.
Double Down
The player will normally double down on a 9, 10 or 11 and they must make an additional wager that is equal to or lessor then their original bet. The player will only receive one card and no more.
Five (5) Card Charlie
This is when the player has 5 cards or more that equal 21 or less.
Hard Hand
This is a hand that if it's hit and gets a 10 then it will bust.
This is when you draw another card adding to the hand.
Hit Card
This is the extra card that is drawn or received.
Hole Card
When a dealer deals himself a hand, he puts one card face down and one card face up. The card that is face down is called the Hole Card.
This is an optional bet that the player can take if the dealer is showing an ace up card and the player thinks they have a blackjack. The payoff is 2 to 1.
No Brainer
This phrase is normally said when the player gets a blackjack because this is an automatic winner and the player doesn't have to do anything.
Pat Hand
This is when the first two cards result in a high count and thus would not normally be hit.
When the player marks the edges of the card with sandpaper.
When the player scratches the table in order to indicate a Hit.
This is the delivery device dealers use to deal multiple decks. It is located on the dealer's left hand side.
Soft Hand
This is a hand with an ace in it that can be either one total or another.
This is when the dealer picks up the cards in a certain way, so that order is preserved, just in case the floor needs to Back Up the Cards.
Tucked Cards
This is a term used when the player slides the corner of their cards under their chips and that signifies that they are staying.
Up Card
When a dealer deals himself a hand he puts one card face down and one card face up. The card that is face up is called the Up Card.

Cards Terms

This is the grouping of symbols and colors that are located on playing cards. For Example: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades.

Carnival Games Terms

Community Cards
This is when certain cards are dealt face up and can be used by all of the players, in order to make their best hand.

Casino Terms

When the player bets all of their money on one hand.
A backer is a non-player who is financing an active player.
This is referring to the tray that holds the House's money in and it's located in front of the dealer.
Barber Pole
A stack of cheques that has more than one denomination included.
This is the player's betting position at the table. First base is the position farthest to the dealer's left; second base is directly in the center and third base is the position farthest to the dealer's right.
Belly Strippers
This is when the cards are altered by having slightly trimmed edges that taper from the center to the edge.
This is a wager on the outcome of an event. They are usually made with clay chips.
Black Chip
Also known as Black or Blacks; this is a $100 chip.
People who cheat or who are bad for business get put on the blacklist. If you go back into the casino you were blacklisted from then they will call the cops and press charges for trespassing.
Border Work
Also known as Edge Work; this is when a cheater adds markings to the border or edge of the cards to identify their value.
When the amount is round up or down to the casino's advantage.
This is a slang term for an ace card.
This is a technique dealers use where they take the top card from the deck and place it in the discard rack without showing the value of the card.
Burn Card
This is the first card of the deck that will be burned.
Bust Out Joint
Also known as a Flat Store; this is a casino that cheats its customers.
Buy In
This is when the player gives the dealer cash for cheques.
C Note
Also known as Cecil; this is a $100 bill.
The cage is where you go to exchange chips for cash.
Carnival Game
This describes a group of games that include 3 Card Poker, Let It Ride, 3-5-7 Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold' Em, and Crazy 4 Poker.
Carpet Store
This is an unlicensed casino or it's a casino operationg in an area where gambling is illegal.
Case Bet
This is the player's last bet, usually with the last of his money.
Case Card
This is usually the last card of a suit or denomination still left in the deck.
Cash Out
This is when the player redeems their cheques for cash.
Also known as a C Note; this is a $100 bill.
This is when a player requests chips in exchange for paper money.
Chemmy Shuffle
Also known as Washing the Deck, this is a form of shuffling. The dealer will mix up the cards by spreading them face down on the table and with both hands, make a circular motion therefore mixing up the cards.
Also known as a Chip; this is the name for any value chip that is in action on a live game.
Clean Money
This is when chips that are taken directly out of the dealer's tray.
Someone who is on a losing streak.
Cold Deck
This is a deck of cards that were secretly pre-arranged in a desired order and then smuggled on the game in order to cheat with.
Color Up
This is when you take your small denomination chips and exchange them for larger denomination chips.
This is when the casino gives you something for free. It can be a dinner, room or any services that they offer for your gambling activity.
Also known as a Card Counter, this is a player who keeps track of the cards during a game of Blackjack.
This is when there are too many chips of one color in the rack the floorman has to take them out and send them to the cage.
Cross Roader
This is a cheater at cards.
Cut Card
This is the plastic colored card that is used to cut the deck in the game of Blackjack.
This is a foreign substance that is used by cheaters to mark cards. The foreign subjust could be secret substance that only the cheater can see with certain glasses, or it can be something as simple as lipstick or makeup.
Dirty Money
This is cash or cheques that was once a bet but has lost.
Discard Rack
This it the plastic box that sits next to the dealer and it's where the dealer places the cards after the hand has finished.
Double Up
When the player bets twice as much as they did on the previous hand.
All the money that a table collects during a shift.
Drop Box
This is a metal box under the table that holds all the cash dropped during a shift.
Dual Rate
This is when a dealer is learning how to be a floorman. On some days they deal and get paid tokes and other days they work as a floorman and get paid for that position.
This is an advantage, usually the casino advantage.
Edge Work
Also known as Border Work; this is when a cheater adds markings to the border or edge of the cards to identify their value.
Eighty-six (86)
This is when the casino rejects, discards, bars or excludes a player from playing on a table or even being in the casino.
Even Money
Also known as a Flat Bet; this is a winning bet that pays 1:1 (one to one).
This refers to the security cameras in the casino that watches everything.
When the rack is low on a certain color of chips, the floorman will order more chips to be brought to the table to fill the rack.
First (1st) Base
This is the 1st spot to the dealer's left and will also be the first spot dealt to.
Flat Store
Also known as a Bust Out Joint; this is a casino that cheats its customers.
This is when a player discard's his hand for an automatic loss.
Foreign Cheques
Any cheque that originates from a different casino.
Fouled Hand
This is when a hand is disqualified and is no longer active.
Front Man
This means that the person who seems to be in charge (with a usually spotless background) really isn't and someone else is running things from the shadows.
This is a cheater's device, tool or technique.
This means $1,000 dollars.
Green Chips
Also known as Green, Greens or Quarters; these are $25 chips.
A con man or a cheater.
Grind Joint
This is a casino that has low betting limits and caters to small bettors.
This can mean one game of a series, one deal in a card game or the actual cards a player is holding.
This is the gross volume of a casino.
High Roller
Also known as a Whale; this is a person who gambles large amounts of money.
Also known as Percentage or P.C.; this is a percentage of the drop that the casino actually wins.
Hold Out
This is when a cheater conceals a card for future use.
This is when a cheater uses a technique to falsely cut a deck; where the deck is actually hopped to avoid being cut.
Someone who is on a winning streak.
Also known as a Store; this is slang for casino.
This is short for Buy In.
This is an unevenly stacked deck used to mark where the player should cut.
Also known as a Button; this is the small plastic disc with numbers or words that are normally used for markers.
Lay Down
This means to make a bet or a wager.
This is the felt game cover used on all games.
Let It Ride
Also known as Parlay; this means you add your winnings to your original bet.
This means the maximum bet.
Live Game
This is any table game on the casino floor with actual customers playing for money.
This is a hand that cannot lose.
Luminous Readers
These people cheat by marking the cards with a special ink that can only be seen with special glasses.
Make a Move
Also known as Take a Shot; this is an action made by a player to gain an advantage or cheat the casino.
This is the largest bet allowed by the casino.
This is the lowest bet allowed by the casino.
This is when a hand is dealt incorrectly.
This is a cheaters technique where they mark the cards by slightly tearing the edge with their nails.
Also known as Red, Reds or Red Chip; this is a $5 chip.
This is the gross amount of money made from a game, or the games overhead. This can also be used to describe the players overhead.
This is the number of ways to win as opposed to the number of ways to lose. Or the mathematical probability of a number occuring expressed as a ratio.
This is a group of cards that is still in its box and the cards are not shuffled or intermingled.
This is a plastic T-shaped device that is used to push money into the table's drop box.
This is a face card or a 10 value card.
Also known as Muck; this is the action of hiding a card or cheque in your palm so that it can be used in the future.
Also known as Let It Ride; this means you add your winnings to your original bet.
Past Post
This is when a player places a bet after a winner has been declared and expects to get paid for it. This is cheating.
Also known as P.C. or Hold; this is a percentage of the drop that the casino actually wins.
This is when losing cheques are taken off of a losing bet. This is cheating.
These are the spots on a playing card that indicate the number of that specific card. For example, a 7 of hearts has 7 heart symbols on it and those heart symbols are what's known as the Pips.
This is when someone increases their bet.
This is considered a tie and the bet will neither be paid or taken.
Also known as Green, Greens or Green Chips; these are $25 chips.
Rat Hole
This is when a player places chips in his pocket while playing on the game.
This is a marked card.
Red Chip
Also known as Red, Reds or Nickels; this is a $5 chip.
This is when a player acts like they're new but they're really an expert.
This is a player who has been around and is wise in the ways of gaming.
Also known as Streak, this is when someone wins or loses multiple hands in a row.
This is an employee of the casino who is paid to gamble with the casino's money to help stimulate the game.
This is the process of mixing the cards by using varios techniques, including riffling, stripping, and boxing.
This is a bet that lacks the required amount needed in order to play a hand. In other words, it's a bet that's under the minimum amount.
Side Strippers
This is when a cheater tapers or sands the card for identification.
This is money left on the table, by the player who has forgotten about it.
This is paper currency.
Stacked Deck
This is a deck of cards that have been pre-arranged in a certain way that guarantees the player a winning deck.
This can be a general term used on different table games. This is when the player decides to take no action with their hand.
This is when a player is betting larger and larger bets, usually when he is on a losing streak.
This is a player that wins but doesn't tip the dealer.
Also known as a House; this is slang for casino.
Also known as Run, this is when someone wins or loses multiple hands in a row.
This is a device worn under the clothes by cheaters and dealers that conceal stolen chips.
Sweeten a Bet
This is when the player legally adds cheques to his bet before the cards have been dealt.
This is a plan or scheme a player has devised to try and win money.
The T.I.S. stands for Table Inventory Slip.
Table Marker
Also known as a Call Bet; this is when a player makes a bet without putting up any money .
Take A Shot
Also known as Make a Move; this is an action made by a player to gain an advantage or cheat the casino.
Third (3rd) Base
This is the last spot next to the dealer's immediate right or it is the last player to play a hand before it's the dealer's turn.
When both sides have the same value hand and there is a draw. The dealer will push the hand and the bet will neither be paid or taken away.
This is the tray that holds the dealer's bankroll. It is located directly in front of the dealer.
Two Way Bet
This is when a bet is split between the player and the dealer.
Under the Gun
This is the first player to the dealer's left.
This is the mathematical expression representing any value or denomination of a wager.
This is a bet the player will make.
Washing the Deck
Also known as Chemmy Shuffle, this is a form of shuffling. The dealer will mix up the cards by spreading them face down on the table and with both hands, make a circular motion therefore mixing up the cards.
This is when a player crimps the cards creating a wave effect so it's easier to spot. This is cheating.
This is a $100 bill.

Craps Terms

This is when a single die is showing one spot up.
Also known as Snake Eyes, this is when both dice are showing one spot up, for a total sum of 2.
This is the space between the flat pass line bet and the odds bet behind it on the apron.
All The Way Up
This is a phrase that the player will say when his place or buy bet wins. The player is telling the dealer not to press his bet but instead bet the entire payoff and original bet.
Alligator Skin
This is the elevated diamond pyramids on the sides of the craps table.
Any Craps
This is a one roll bet which focuses on rolling a 2, 3 or 12. This bet pays 7:1 and has a house edge of 11.1%.
Any Seven
This is betting that the next roll will be a 7. This bet pays 4:1 and has a house edge of 16.7%.
This is also known as the Don't Pass Line on the craps layout.
The bar number of the don't pass layout, usually a 12, is a standoff roll.
This is when the dice have rounded edges instead of the normal razor sharp edges.
Big Eight
This is a self-service betting area in which the player is wagering that an 8 will roll before a 7.
Big Red
This is the same as betting on Any Seven.
Big Six
This is a self-service betting area in which the player is wagering that a 6 will roll before a 7.
This is a slang term for dice.
Bosses Cash Register
This saying refers to the area in front of the dealers; the boxes with the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Players are not allowed to put their hands in this area.
This is the container that the dice are held in.
Box Cars
This means a pair of 6's on the dice.
Box Number
These are the betting squares, or the possible point numbers, located in front of the dealer with the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 on them.
Boxed Card
This means a card is found face up in the deck.
This is the craps table supervisor who sits in the middle of the table in between the two dealers.
Buffalo Bet
This is when you place a bet on each of the Hard Ways plus Any Eleven.
A small round chip that is used to keep track of buy bets (with a buy button), lay bets (with a lay button), off/on place bets or hardways.
Buy Bet
This is a bet where the player can buy true odds. This player will pay a 5% Vig in order to be paid correct odds for a 4 or 10 place bet.
C & E
A split bet covering any Craps and Eleven.
Call Bet
A bet that's called without cheques or money. The law prohibits such bets.
Cocked Die
When a die comes to a rest on an edge rather than flat on the layout, during a roll.
This is a self-service bet in which a natural 7 or 11 will win and a natural 2, 3 or 12 will lose. All other numbers will cause the wager to travel to the Box Number.
Come Bet
Once the wager has traveled to the Box Number, the wager will win if the non-natural number is repeated before a 7 rolls.
Come Out Roll
This is the first roll of the dice. It can also mean any roll of the dice when there is no pass line point marked or when the puck or marker is in the Don't Come box.
Contract Bet
A bet which may not be removed or reduced once a point has been established. For example, pass line bets and come bets are contract bets.
Corner Red
The section of the layout where the big 6 and the big 8 are located.
This is a slang term for dice.
A die with two spots up.
Don't Come Bet
A bet made against the come point, during the shooter's point contest.
Don't Pass Line
A self-service betting area on the layout for betting against the point or wagering that the shooter does not pass.
To take part, or all, of a bet.
Also known as a Monster; this is a long winning hand.
Easy Way
To make a point number of 4, 6, 8, or 10 in any way but the hardway.
Establish a Point
A number 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 thrown by the shooter on a come-out roll.
A self-service betting area that win if the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12 are rolled.
Fire Bet
An optional bet on how many different points a shooter will make in any given roll. The bet must be made before the first point is established. A minimum of four different points must be made in order for the player to get paid.
Flat Bet
There are only four areas that are considered flat bets: Pass Line, Don't Pass Line, Come and Don't Come.
This means the dice are altered and will always land on one side.
Front Line
Also known as Pass Line, this is a self service betting area of the layout for wagering with the dice, expecting the shooter to roll a winning pass.
After the end of the hand, these are all of the losing bets that are swept towards the dealer so they can be cleaned up and put away in the Working Stacks.
Also known as Props, which is short for Proposition Bets; this is referring to the one roll bets located in the center of the layout. To make a point number the dice must roll a pair that equals a 4, 6, 8 or 10. For example, a Hard 4 would be when both dice show twos.
Hawking the Dice
This is when the base dealer on one end of the table is looking at the dice on the opposite end. This is not permitted.
This is a split bet on 2 and 12 Craps.
Hop Bet
This is a one roll bet that may be bet at any time on a specific combonation of dice. A hardway pays 30 to 1 and an easy combonation pays 15 to 1. These are placed in front of the box position.
Horn Bet
This is a bet that covers 2, 3, 11 and 12 simultaneously.
Horn High
This is a bet that covers the horn, but which has twice as much money on one of the numbers as it does on the other three.
Last Come Bets
These are the bets that are made on the Come Line just before the dice roll a 7 Out.
Lay Bets
In order to purchase true odds behind a point, betting that the number will not be rolled before a "7". The cost of the bet is 5% of the amount that the bet can win.
Laying Odds
This is when the player bets more than what he is going to win. This usually takes place on the Don't Pass when there is a point and the player has a flat bet.
Little Joe
This is when the player rolls a hard 4.
These are dice that have been weighted to land on certain numbers; this is cheating.
Making a Point
To roll the point number before rolling a 7 out.
This is when the player bets that a 12 will be rolled next.
Also known as Duke; this is a long winning hand.
This is when a 7 or an 11 are thrown on a come-out roll. Also a 2, 3, and 12 are naturals.
Odds Bet
This is an extra bet that the player is allowed to make only after placing a flat bet on the Pass Line, Don't Pass Line, Come Bet Number, or behind the Don't Come Number.
One Roll Bet
A bet which is decided on the next roll of the dice. For example, a field bet, horn bets, world bets and hop bets.
This bet is made on don't pass when there is an "existing" don't pass bet with maximum odds. A player may then overlay the point. This is the same as laying behind the point on the don't pass line.
Pass Line
Also known as Front Line, this is a self service betting area of the layout for wagering with the dice, expecting the shooter to roll a winning pass.
Place Bet
This is a wager on the box numbers located directly in front of the base dealers.
Any of the point numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 rolled by the shooter on the come-out roll.
Press the Bet
After the player wins a wager, they'll ask the dealer to press the bet and this will increase the wager by the same amount as the original bet.
Proposition Bets
Also known as Props or Hardways; this is referring to the one roll bets located in the center of the layout.
This is short for Proposition Bets and is also known as Hardways; this is referring to the one roll bets located in the center of the layout.
Also known as a Marker, this is a plastic disk that is black on one side with the word "OFF" written on it. And white on the other side with the word "ON" written on it. This disk is used to mark the number or the point that's established.
This is after a point has been established, the dice are thrown and a total of "7" is shown.
This is the person rolling the dice. In order to be the shooter the player must have a Pass Line or Don't Pass Line bet.
Snake Eyes
Also known as Aces, this is when both dice are showing one spot up.
This is the amount of money that a player has available for playing a game.
This is the dealer who controls the dice with the stick.
Three (3) Way Craps
This is a bet made with units of three. One unit goes on 2, one unit goes on 3 and one unit goes on 12. This is just like a Horn Bet, except without the 11.
Also known as Ace-Deuce, this is when the dice are showing a total of three.
This is any bet that is left on the layout after the payoffs have been made. When a bet is left up it's still in action.
Also known as Juice, it's full name is Vigorish; this is the commission charged by the house for the privilege of making a certain type of bet.
World Bet
This is a combonation of proposition bets that consist of 2, 3, 11, 12, and Any Seven. Or, in other words, a bet covering the Horn and the number "7" in five equal amounts.

Craps Dealers Terms

Change Only
This is a call the dealers will make if a player throws cash or high denomination cheques on the layout without speaking.
This usually means a bet or currency that is no longer on the table.
This is a move by the dealer that leaves the top cheque half visible under the rest of the stack. They will do this to indicate that the chips are not a bet and is waiting for the player. The dealer will also heel a bet on a Don't Come, Don't Pass Line and behind a number to indicate an odds bet.
Inside Hand
This is the dealer's hand that is closest to the boxman.
Late Bets
These are bets made after the dice leaves the center of the table. A Late Bet may only be a legal bet if the dealer, boxman or floorman Books the Bet before the outcome is determined.
This is when there is a bet on the layout that is not in action. Usually the dealer will place an off button on the stack of cheques.
Outside Hand
This is the dealer's hand that is furthest from the boxman.
Working Bets
These are bets that are in action at all times. "On" is another term used to indicate that the customer's bets are working.
Working Stacks
These are the stacks of chips that are located directly in front of the dealer and they're the chips the dealer uses when taking and paying bets.

Dealers Terms

A player who's working with the dealer in order to cheat the casino. This could also be referring to a person who handles money for another player.
Backing Up The Cards
A floorman will back up the cards in order to prove a hand. So he'll take cards from the discard rack and lay them out, in order, to see what everyone's previous hand was.
Also known as Bleeder or Sweating the Money; this is usually a casino supervisor who worries about players winning.
Also known as Cover, Booking the Bet or Fade; this means to accept a bet.
Booking the Bet
Also known as Cover, Book or Fade; this means to accept a bet.
Bottom Deal
When the cards are dealt from the bottom of the deck, with the impression given that the cards are coming from the top of the deck.
Break-in Dealer
This is another word for a new dealer who has very little or no experience or knowledge.
Break-in House
This is another word for a casino who hires new dealers. Those casinos are more willing to accept your mistakes and are more willing to teach you new games.
Bubble Peek
This is when the dealer puts pressure to the top cards while holding the deck. This allows for a peek of the next card and is considered cheating.
Also known as Hustle; this is when the dealer tries to get a tip out of a player or tries to get a player to play a tip for them.
Clapping Out
The dealer will clap their hands to show the cameras that they are not stealing anything.
Dealers refer to the Count when calculating the value of the bankroll. You'll hear this term more often when opening or closing a game.
Also known as Book, Booking the Bet or Fade; this means to accept the bet.
When two dealers are talking to each other while they're dealing on a live game. If it's not game related then this type of behavior isn't permitted.
This is French for a casino dealer.
Cut Into
When the dealer is paying bets, he uses his forefinger to size into the bet. This will match the bet with the original stack of cheques. That way the dealer paid the bet with an equal amount.
Day Shift
In Las Vegas, the typical day shift for dealers is between 12pm to 8pm at night. Every casino is different and the day shift starting time can range from 10am to 1pm.
Dead Game
This is a game with no players on it.
Dead Thumb
Also known as Dealing the Deuce; this is when the dealer keeps his thumb stiff when dealing a handheld deck, making it easier to cheat by dealing seconds, or not dealing from the top.
Dealer's Break
On average, Dealers get a 20 minute break every hour.
Dealing the Deuce
Also known as Dead Thumb; this is when the dealer keeps his thumb stiff when dealing a handheld deck, making it easier to cheat by dealing seconds, or not dealing from the top.
Drop Cut
This is a technique that dealers use to deliver and count cheques. This is usually used on roulette and craps.
Extra Board
In Las Vegas, extra board dealers are called part-time dealers but they can work 6 - 7 days a week if managment needs them too. Most places have them working 3 days per week although some places only having them work 1 day a week. They have no insurance, no benefits and they get the crazy shifts no one wants. Depending on the property it can take 6 months to 3 years before an extra board is offered full-time. You must work as an extra board dealer before the casino will promote you to a full-time dealer.
Also known as Cover, Booking the Bet or Book; this means to accept a bet.
False Shuffle
This is when the dealer looks like they are shuffling but instead they are using a technique where they are not actually shuffling.
Float Cover
This is the locking cheque tray lid on a table game. When a table is closed, this lid protects the bank.
Float Cover Slide
This is located under the table and it's a slot or a holder that the Float Cover slides into when it's not in use.
Fourteen (14) Day Split
This is when the dealers tips are pooled together from the past 14 days and then split equally amoung all the dealers that worked during that period.
This is a player that the dealers consider a big tipper.
Graveyard Shift
In Las Vegas, the typical graveyard shift for dealers is between 4am to 12pm. Every casino is different and the graveyard starting time can range from 3am to 5am.
Also known as Buzz; this is when the dealer tries to get a tip out of a player or tries to get a player to play a tip for them.
This is a term used for knowing an influential person who can get someone a better job.
This is a person of importance.
Lock Up
This is when you take a bet/cheques and place it in a secure place, like the dealer's bank.
This is a bad or inexperienced dealer.
This is a dealer that uses sleight of hand to cheat.
Money Plays
This is when a player wishes to play cash as their wager, instead of cheques.
Overhand Shuffle
This is when the dealer shuffles the cards by sliding the cards from the top of the deck to the other hand.
This is a group of tables brought together to form a long circle with the floorman in the center.
This is a specific maneuver that the dealer uses when tossing the card to the player.
Plays Up To The Table Limit
The dealer will make this announcement when the player sets an unknown amount of cash on a bet and wants Money Plays. After a winner is determined, the dealer will count out all of the cash and if there is more then the table limit, then that amount is given back to the player. The bet will only be paid or lost, up to the table limit.
This is the metal container on the table right in front of the dealer. It holds all of the chips & coins and it's the casino's bankroll.
This is one out of many maneuvers dealers use to shuffle. This is usually what people think of when they hear the word "shuffle".
This is what the dealer calls out after a shuffle but before they roll the deck.
Run It Down
This is when a dealer verifies a stack of the same denimination.
Second (2nd) Base
Also known as Center Field. This is the player's betting position at the table, and second base is directly in the center.
This is when the dealer deals the second card from the deck instead of the top card. This is cheating.
Seven (7) Day Split
This is when the dealers tips are pooled together for the past 7 days and then split equally amoung all the dealers who worked during that period.
This is when the primary dealer will stand to the side and watch the second dealer deal the game, making sure that the game is dealt properly.
This is a mirrored device that is used by cheaters, with the purpose of reflecting the dealer's hole card.
This is when a dealer shuffles and leaves a group or block of cards unshuffled.
This is when the dealer straightens the cards or deck.
This is one out of many maneuvers dealers use to shuffle. This is when the dealer takes the top portion off the deck and strips that into smaller portions. Then they put the remaining deck on top.
This is a person who looks for a new or bad dealer. They play at that dealers section and they call out crazy or confusing bets that are normally not made. If the dealer pays the Stroker over the payout amount the Stroker won’t say anything and he will take the money. But if the dealer pays under you know the Stroker will be screaming about how he was robbed and how the dealer should know his numbers and pay him the correct amount.
Sweating the Money
Also known as a Bleeder; this is usually a casino supervisor who worries about players winning.
Swing Shift
The typical swing shift for dealers is between 8pm to 4am. Every casino is different and the swing shift starting time can range from 5pm to 10pm.
Take Out
This is a term used when telling a dealer what table to go to. "Take out Pai-Gow 5".
Toke Box
This is the box that is attached to the table that dealer’s put their tips into.
Toke Committee
This is a group of dealers who are voted into the committee by all the other dealers in the house. This group collects the tips, counts them, figures out how much money each dealer gets and then fills out all the required paperwork.
Also known as Zuks; this is slang for the dealer's tips. The word Toke comes from the phrase "tokens of gratitude".
Top Peek
This is a technique where the dealer flashes the top card so the player can cheat.
Also known as a High Roller; this is a person who gambles large amounts of money.
Also known as Tokes; this is slang for the dealer's tips.

European Roulette Terms

Top Line
This is a bet that covers the first four numbers, which are 0, 1, 2, and 3. It pays 8 to 1.

Las Vegas Terms

Strip, The
This is a slang term for Las Vegas Boulevard, where most of the casinos are located.

Let-It-Ride Terms

This is the title of a carnival game. The player gets 2 cards and the dealer turns over 3 community cards. From that, the player is trying to make a good 5 card poker hand.

Pai-Gow Terms

This is similar to a Vig. This is the amount deducted from a winning hand and given to the House. Normally it's 5%. In Pai-Gow, this occurs on any winning hand, while in Baccarat, it only occurs when a Banker bet wins.
The Joker Card is seen as a Wild Card and can complete Straights, Flushes or it represents an Ace card.

Pai-Gow Poker Terms

The Banker is another term for the House and in this game, the players have the option of playing as Banker. Normally, the dealer will play as Banker, but if the player requests it, then they can play as Banker too. This will give the player the same advantages and House Edge that is ordinarily given to the House.

Poker Terms

Absent Button
Also known as Missed Blind Button, this is a button that's placed in a player's area showing that this person has previously missed his Blind Bet and is still absent from the table.
This is when the player is acting in turn.
This is a pre-determined contribution to the Pot by all players before any cards are dealt.
Bad Beat
This is when a player has a great hand and can't fold but then gets beaten by an even better hand.
Betting Round
This is the complete cycle from the first bettor to the last person to call.
Big Blind
The larger amount of the two forced pre-flop bets.
This is a forced pre-flop bet, there are usually two; the Big Blind and the Small Blind.
This is when a player bets or raises with the knowledge that he has little to no chance of winning in the hopes that his opponent will fold.
This is the five community cards that are placed face up on the table and can be used by all of the players in order to make their best poker hand.
This is when a player matches the bet or the raise.
This is the maximum amount of Rake or Commission to be collected.
Cards Speak
This is when a hand is placed face up, open and flat on the table and the dealer reads the cards to the entire table.
This is when the player bets nothing and passes the turn to the next player.
Community Cards
This is when certain cards are dealt face up and can be used by all of the players, in order to make their best hand.
This is the person that beats your great hand with an even better hand.
Dead Button
This is when a dealer places a button in front of an empty seat to adjust the movement of the Blind, so that each person pays the correct amount of Blind.
Dead Hand
This is a hand that has no claim on the Pot.
This is the distribution of playing cards to the players.
Dealt-Out Button
A button placed by the dealer that shows that this player is to be dealt out of the current hand.
Defective Deck
This is a deck that contains an incorrect number of cards, duplicate cards, jokers, marked or scratched cards, or any cards that has a problem where management considers it to be detrimental to the security and integrity of the game.
Down Card
This is a card that's dealt face down.
This can mean the action of taking additional cards; or it can be a type of poker, such as Draw Poker.
Drawing Dead
This is when a players hand can never improve beyond their opponent's hand.
Drop Slide
This is a device that is attached to the table and it's used for the placement and dropping of the commission into the Drop Box.
Flashed Card
This is when a Down Card has been partially exposed.
This is the 1st three cards that the dealer flips over so they are face up on the board.
This is a 5 card hand where all the cards are the same suit but not in sequence.
Forced Bet
This is a mandatory bet for the purpose of starting a pot.
Fourth (4th) Street
Also known as the Turn Card; this is the fourth out of five cards that is turned over so it is face up on the board.
Full Boat
Also known as a Full House, this is a 5 card hand where there are 3 matching cards of one rank and 2 matching cards of another rank.
Full House
Also known as a Full Boat, this is a 5 card hand where there are 3 matching cards of one rank and 2 matching cards of another rank.
Going South
This is when a player takes poker chips off the table and places them in his pocket. This practice is not allowed, as all funds must remain on the table until the player leaves.
Head to Head
This is when there are only two active players betting on the table.
If the players have the same poker ranking, then the winner will be determined but the next highest ranking card, which is the Kicker.
Live Blind
This is a blind bet giving the player the option of raising if no one else has raised.
This is when there's an incorrect verbal call on the ranking of a hand.
Missed Blind Button
Also known as Absent Button, this is a button that's placed in a player's area showing that this person has previously missed his Blind Bet and is still absent from the table.
This is when the winner of a pot throws one or more chips to one or more of the other players at the game. This has the look of team play or collusion and is prohibited.
No Limit
This means no constraints are placed on the maximum size of a bet or raise.
This is the action of making the first bet.
This is the person who makes the first betting action.
This is when you decline to bet, at which point you must discard your hand and forfeit any chance of winning the pot.
This refers to the sum of money that players wager during a hand. At the end of the hand, the pot is the pile of chips that the winning player receives. It's also possible for more then one player to win the pot.
Protected Hand
When the player is physically holding the cards or if the cards are faced down and topped with a chip or some other item in order to protect it from becoming a Fouled Hand.
Rabbit Hunting
This is when the player wants to see a card that he would have received, had he called the bet; which is not allowed. This practice can also cause ill feelings amongst the players.
This is when a player increases the size of his bet, forcing the rest of the players to match that amount if they wish to continue playing the hand.
Also known as Commission, this is the act of taking a percentage of the pot and giving it to the house, as payment for hosting the game.
River Card
This is the final card to be turned over so it is face up on the board.
This is the cycle of bets made by the players following the deal of cards, or a series of cards or hands dealt.
Royal Flush
This is a hand that holds a 10, Jack, Queen, King & Ace of the same suit. This is the highest ranking poker hand.
This is when the player purchases chips that are less then the table minimum. Short-buys are only available to players who have already bought in for the required minimum amount.
After everyone is done betting, the remaining players will show their cards and a winner is determined.
Side Pot
This is a separate Pot created because one or more players are All-In.
Small Blind
The smaller amount of the two forced pre-flop bets.
Splashing the Pot
This is when the player throws chips, whether accidentally or deliberately, near the main pot, which results in a co-mingling of funds, therefore making it hard to determine how much the original bet was.
This is a hand where all of the cards are in sequence.
Straight Flush
This is a hand where all of the cards are in sequence and they are also all in the same suit.
This is the remaining portion of the deck after all of the cards have been dealt.
Tap Out
Also known as All-In, this is when the player bets all of their money on one hand.
Turn Card
Also known as the 4th Street; this is the fourth out of five cards that is turned over so it is face up on the board.
This is a designated area inside the Float Tray to store a deck of cards.

Roulette Terms

This is the part of the table where losing cheques are swept.
This is a three-way bet that covers the numbers 2, 0 and 00. It pays 11 to 1.
Bias Number
This is a number that comes up more than often. This can be caused by physical changes in the wheel, such as loose or bent frets.
Roulette chips are slightly different from normal cheques. These chips are not marked, come in different colors and they usually represent one type of denomination, for example $1. These chips must stay on the table the player received them at.
This is a movement made by the dealer to pick up lost cheques from the layout to avoid excessive mucking.
Any one of the 12 numbers in a straight column. First, Second and Third. All of the Columns pay 2 to 1.
The Corner bet touches 4 numbers and it pays 8 to 1.
Also known as a Dolly or a Marker, this is the object dealers use to mark the winning number on the layout.
Also known as a Marker or a Crown, this is the object dealers use to mark the winning number on the layout.
This is when the ball hangs on the side of the Head and will not fall.
These are the small metal dividers on the roulette wheel that seperate the numbers.
This is the rotating part of the wheel.
This is where the numbers are; 0 through 36 is known as an inside bet.
Also known as a Dolly or a Crown, this is the object dealers use to mark the winning number on the layout.
This is an action that dealers use to pick up cheques.
The outside of the roulette table is anything that isn’t numbers. So red & black or the 1st dozen is an outside bet.
This is a section of the wheel. It's the compartment between the Frets into which the ball falls.
This is a section of the wheel. It's the top of the bowl, the flat part, where the cheques are placed for change.
This is the time from which the ball is spun until the winning number is determined.
This is a section of the roulette wheel. It's the plastic around the wheel that protects the wheel head.
This is a section of the roulette wheel. It holds the Head to the hub.
This bet covers two numbers and it pays 17 to 1.
Straight Up
This a type of bet that is in the middle of the number and it only covers that one number. If you win the payout is 35 to 1.
This is a bet that covers three numbers and it pays 11 to 1.
This is a way to clear all of the losing bets off the layout.
This is a section of the Roulette wheel. It's the groove in which the ball is spun.
Wave Off The Table
The dealer will sweep their arm over the top of the board to signify that there will be no more bets. They have to do this to make the spin legal and also to show the cameras that there are no more bets.

Roulette Dealers Terms

This is a second dealer on a roulette table, who is put there during busy times to help the primary dealer pick up chips and put them in a stack of 20. The mucker also double checks the primary dealer’s math and gives the primary dealer the correct pay out in roulette chips.
This is a technique the dealers use to pick up chips and place them in a stack of 20. Mucking is usually done in a fast manner since muckers are usually only needed on a full and busy table.

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