Different Ways Of Figuring Out Commission
Questions & Answers
Q: “Another way to do commission is to move the decimal by half. For example, 42 equals 4.2 divided by 2 equals 2.1. It’s faster for me to do it that way.”

A: Let’s go over the 1st method real quick. Take the players bet and move the decimal over one spot to
the left. For example, if the player has a $35.00 bet, then move the decimal one space to the
left $3.50. Next, divide that amount by 2. For example, $3.50 divided by 2 is $1.75.
So the commission for a $35 bet is $1.75.
Now, it's time to figure out the commission for an $85 bet.
$85 = $8.5 / 2 = $4.25
If you’re having trouble grasping this method, then try this 2nd method for figuring out commission.
“Another way is to add the commissions. For example, I see $50. I know each green is $1.25. I add $1.25 and $1.25 together and my answer is $2.50.”

So basically, the 2nd method involves figuring out the commission based on units and then adding that together. Let’s go over another example to make it a bit clearer. If the player has a $20 bet, then that means they have four red $5 cheques. You know that each $5 cheque pays a commission of $0.25 cents. So if you add up $0.25 four times, or you can multiply $0.25 cents times, then the answer is $1.00.

Here’s a test run to see if you understand this method:
How much commission does the player owe if they have a $35 bet?
Answer: 1 green equals $1.25 and each red is $0.25 so $1.25 + $0.25 + $0.25 = $1.75