Craps Drills
Learning these craps drills will help you learn how to deal craps in the comfort of your own home. This interview includes information on pressing bets, keys for the prop bets and across bets.
Anthony: My name is Anthony, I used to live in Las Vegas. I will be moving back there in about 4 months, hopefully. I was a dealer for about 20 years. Dice mostly. I live in New York now. Like I said in four years I am going back to sin city and I just cannot wait.
Heather: Sweet! And Jay?
Jay: Hi my name is Jay, I am a dealer up in Canada. I’ve been in industry for around...same amount of time, just over 20 years. I got to work in Canada, I got to work on the cruise ships. I am back as a dealer. I work part time. I am just getting called back actually.
Heather: Cool. Thank you guys so much for being here. And also, Jay, you want to tell people your channel and where they can find you?
Jay: Yeah, sure that would be great. I have a YouTube channel as well. You can search casino dealer Jay and you can find the content that I have created on there. A lot of it is geared towards people in the industry. But we do a lot of interviews with a lot of different people from around the world. Including yourself Heather, which I have had on a couple of times. Again we will have you on again. We also do our livestreams on Wednesday for the casino industry Canada group.
Heather: Awesome! And also too just a little background. Anthony and I used to work in a casino together and Anthony is the one that taught me how to deal craps. Wo he is my guru. I really appreciate both you guys being on and helping.
So our first craps drill that I want to talk about it across. You can see on the screen that I am sharing. Basically when you’re at home, and you are learning how to deal craps, you learn drills. You have homework. You have things that you do in order to get better. One of the things you do at home is work on your...doing it across. Placing your bets across. I am sure Jay and Anthony can explain this way better than what I am doing.
I wanted to show off this image so that way it will help you, it will be a guide when you are at home and you are working on placing your bets across. And we have what you can place for -- regardless of the point. Also if the point is the 6 or 8. Or if it’s a 4, 5, 9 or 10. Now if the player places a bet on the 4 and 10 it’s good to keep in mind that -- what is your house way? So does your house pay the vig before or after the number hits?
Anthony, Jay do you guys want to jump in here and explain this way better than what I just did?

Anthony: Just looking at the numbers they are all -- I don’t see anything wrong with those.
Heather: That’s good because I know the first version there were a few things wrong. This is like version 2.
Anthony: Yeah the first time you have numbers out there --
Heather: Ha Ha you’re like what’s this???
Anthony: I mean like -- across or something like it. That was ridiculous. That’s about 99.99% those are the numbers you're going to see.
Heather: Yep. And the best thing to do is with a piece of paper, just write out the points. Get $5 chips, $1 chips, $25 chips and sit there and literally practice playing those bets. So for example: if you were doing -- if the point was a 6 or an 8 and you are doing 104 across, you would have 104 in chips given to you. And you would take that 104, and you would place it, so that way it does all of the numbers except the 6 or the 8. And then you would just keep repeating it. And then when you are done, do 130 and after you have done that a bunch, do 156. Keep doing this over and over because it’s all about muscle memory.
Anything to add?
Jay: I agree. I agree with both of you. When you have that point, you see the number there, the $26, some people it can be a little difficult if you are just thinking about the number. Absolutely grab some chips and place your 5, 5, 6, 5, 5 so you know where the positioning is. It’s really good for your drop cutting practice, to kind of build on your dexterity and your drop cutting. But it’s also about know where your player is located. It’s a good way to practice as well. You see it visually, but you also see the numbers as well with this chart. It’s pretty cool to see this.
Anthony: Yeah. Same thing with drop cutting. That’s the number one practice tool when you are staring out. When I was in school -- before we did anything the first 20 minutes was just drop cutting. Drop on 2 drop on 3 so you know what it feels like. And then when you get 27 or 26 across or 78 across it’s like you said, it’s all muscle memory.
Heather: We will have a link in the description too on our previous video on how to drop cut so if you guys have any questions on how to do it, you can just check out that video and it’s a whole how to on how to drop cut.
The other thing is, you always want to book the bet as well. So don’t do this in silence. Pretend you're actually on the table. If you are given 78 across, you're going to say 78 across. You want to book your bet. So, everything you do, you just have to do a million times, over and over again so when you do get on the table, it’s just automatic.
Anthony: Communication is very important.
Heather: Yeah. Extremely important. I remember when I was learning, that was the thing that I was always get reminded of. Like, thunk, book your bet! Thunk! Remember to book your bet!
Anthony: Also if they give it to you. Like if they give you 52 in reds and 2 ones. You want to say 52 across usings.
Jay: Yep!
Anthony: You know something like that. 78 across using players money or something like that. Just as long as the box man knows, you know. If there are any box men left.
Jay: Yeah
Heather: Good point. That’s a very good point. Did you guys want to talk about anything else for the craps drills going across before we go on to the next one?
Jay: No, I think -- so you do have it split correctly with the 6-8. Regardless of the point that you will see that too. Like 32 across and including if the point is on. That does happen. Where I am from it happens quite a bit. Where nobody plays the line and they are going to go two units across including. Those numbers are -- a lot of people don’t think of them to often but they are very important to keep in mind and remember. Especially when you have a lot of heavy place betters.
Heather: Yeah.
Anthony: Also I know you were just covering the across but I don’t know if you want to -- did you want to do anything about the inside? Like 20 inside, 44 inside, including? Anything like that? Or you just going to stay with the across numbers?
Heather: That’s a good advanced drill for people that do this drill. The across drill and now they are done with it and they are bored and they want something better. That would be an excellent drill to do for advanced students. So go ahead and feel free to talk about that a little more Anthony.
Anthony: That’s actually how I -- I very rarely play 4 and 10, unless -- until I see like 5, 10 minutes into the roll. I am almost 90% I’m an inside player myself. So I like the 44 inside, I like 66 inside. Sometimes I will go high on 6 and 8. I know that’s going ahead. I don’t want to get to far ahead because if beginners in here.
If you like to play the game also -- I am going to go back to how I learned. When I was in dealer school. I had already played the game. I enjoyed playing dice a lot. So I would go to a lot of the bigger casinos like Caesars Palace, and not just only to play but to watch the dealers. It was almost me going to school. I mean these guys are Caesar's Palace, these guys have been dealing for 20 - 30 years. And I listened to what they said, I watched their hands a lot, how they did things and I picked up a lot more in a live game, just as much as I did in school.
Heather: And that’s an excellent point too. When you are learning how to be a dealer, when you are learning how to deal a game, any game, it doesn’t matter what game it is, craps included, what they tell you is the best way to learn a game is to go and play it. Because when your money is on the line you are going to learn that game really fast.
Anthony: Yep
Heather: You know it’s going to be way faster if your money is on the line. So that’s an excellent point. And going back to doing inside across, that would be an increment to 22 right? So 22, 44, 66, 88?
Anthony: Yes
Jay: Yes
Heather: What are the common bets you see for inside. Like how high up does it go?
Anthony: Well you can go -- like one ten inside, two twenty inside. I really don’t see to much -- it depends on where you are dealing too. If you guys are just starting out. You’re not going to be probably starting at MGM Grand and someone is going to come up with a 440 inside. But I have seen it! And it’s like okay, time to deal now. But, 22 inside, 44 inside, or if it’s -- that’s including if there is a point.
Jay: Yep
Anthony: If it’s 6 and 8 it could be 16 or 34 inside, something like that.
Jay: Yep. Just to add to that if it’s a 5 or 9 it’s 17.
Anthony: Yep 17
Jay: So yeah, for anybody that deals roulette -- well I don’t know if you know roulette already and you are picking up craps then that’s a really good one for you because it’s a split. So if you know roulette and you know your splits then you already have an advantage over some of the new dealers. With your 17 insides, so.
Heather: Nice!
Jay: Yep.
Heather: So memorize the 17’s times tables if you haven’t already. Do you guys know or remember your 17 times tables?
Jay: Yeah for the most part.
Heather: Yeah. Sometimes I just go through the 17 and 35 times tables in my head to keep it fresh. If you don’t use it you're going to forget it.
Jay: That’s true.
Heather: So next up is prop bets and we are only going to go over a couple prop bets. We’re going to have another video on craps drills in the future where we talk about the horn bets and other best as well. But one of the things I wanted to talk about with prop bets is the 16 for 1 and the 31 for 1. Also, too it depends on your casino. So the casino, me and Anthony dealt at, that’s what the payouts were. 16 for 1 and 31 for 1. Depending on the casino, it could be 15 for 1, it could be 32 to 1, there’s other odds out there. Also you have to be careful of 4 and 2. Sometimes it would be 31 for 1 or 30 to 1, I think it was. So you have to be careful of 4 or 2 as well.

Jay: Right.
Heather: If you guys are familiar.
Anthony: It’s the same payout though.
Heather: It’s the same payout but you have to know what you're doing. So the 4/1 your leaving the bet -- or 4/1 your taking the bet and 2/1 your leaving the bet up there.
Anthony: Right.
Heather: Yeah. That’s the thing that would always get me. It’s like, okay so I have to leave the bet out there. Okay now I’m taking the bet. Got it. Okay.
Anthony: The bet staying up no matter what. It’s like 16 for 1, you're getting 15 and the bet is up 15 to 1, you're getting 15 and the bet is still up.
Jay: That’s right.
Heather: Yeah.
Jay: Actually where I am dealing right now it’s 15 for 1 so…
Anthony: Ohhh
Jay: Yeah, we pay a dollar less and 34/1 as well.
Anthony: And it pays right?
Jay: Yeah, so it’s a lot easier actually. But on the ships it is 2/1. So 15 to 1, or the same as 16 for 1. It’s hilarious because we have one casino that’s 15 -- 16 for 1. Just for the Yo. And then it’s 15 for 1 for the rest. So their keys are all -- super --
Anthony: [breaking up]
Heather: What did you say Anthony?
Anthony: Make it a little more confusing for everybody.
Heather: Yeah
Jay: Yeah they bared the aces too. They bar the aces there, they don’t bar the 12.
Heather: Oh really?
Anthony: I have heard that yes! I have heard there’s an opposite.
Jay: Yeah.
Anthony: It’s weird!
Jay: Just to be different.
Heather: Yeah because it’s exactly the same odds. I mean it’s exactly the same. So that is strange. But any ways, so what some craps dealers do when they are doing these really crazy numbers 16 for 1, 30 for 1, 1 for 1 is they have keys. The keys help them figure out the payout. So all of us dealers have to do math, but not all of us are good at math so we have keys, we have shortcuts, we have all these things to help us figure out what to do with math. And keys is one of those things that helps. So the key for 16 for 1 would be you blackjack the bet. So if you have a $5 bet you blackjack it, which would be $7.50, and then you add the zero or move the decimal a tenths place so the $7.50 would turn into $75 and then only add the bet amount if the casino requires you to take the bet down after you have won it. In that case when you add the bet amount it would go to $80. So again it really just depends on the casino you are at and what they want you to do. What your house way is.
Anthony: The casinos that do that?
Heather: What?
Anthony: Do you know of any casinos that require the bet to come down? Have you seen that?
Heather: Yeah. The one we used to work at. That’s the only reason I wrote it down. I wouldn’t -- I would not have written it down if we did not have to do it.
Anthony: It’s always been paid up. Always up to win.
Heather: When I learned this, I was told to take it down.
Anthony: No not at our place.
Heather: But you know the casino we worked at, so there’s that.
Anthony: Well the reason they want it up is because they want the bet back. So they loot-- so the cows can win it.
Heather: Yeah.
Anthony: I guess it changes.
Heather: So they normally take it down is what you are saying?
Anthony: No, they normally pay it up.
Heather: Okay.
Anthony: I don’t know. Jay have you seen -- does your casinos do that?
Jay: We keep the bets up, except for hot bets. Usually --
Anthony: Oh yeah hot bets…
Jay: --the hot bets you take those down.
Anthony: Yeah that’s -- You mean even if it wins they pay it down?
Jay: Yeah we usually take it -- well it depends. The player usually tells us if they want to keep it up but mostly we take for them.
Anthony: Humm, Ok. Interesting.
Heather: So really just depends on the casino.
Anthony: Right.
Jay: Yes
Anthony: House rules.
Heather: As always. Did you guys want to add anything to the 16 for 1 or 31 for 1 or did you want to talk about any of the other odds that are typically used in craps for the hot bets. -- or not the hot bets sorry for the prop bets?
Anthony: Prop bets. Not that’s the one key. Blackjack it.
Jay: Yep I agree.
Heather: Cool. Okay. Real quick for the 31 for 1 the key is multiply the bet by 3, add the zero, and then depending on the casino whether you add the bet amount or not.
Going on to our next one, is the C&E and the High Low. Again if the C&E if they are betting on the C&E it has to be of an equal amount. You can’t do -- say for example, $3 on the C&E -- I mean technically you could, but it would be $1.50 each. So it’s easier if you could do $2 because it’s a dollar/ dollar. If craps hits you multiply the bet by 3 and if 11 hits you multiply the bet by 7. Do you guys want to add anything to the C&E?

Anthony: Yes. I’ve seen -- unless it’s again a house rule and it could be changing from place to place but I have seen $5 C&E’s, odd number 1’s. But again it’s a house rule. I have seen places where -- especially if it’s a non-Las Vegas place like -- I went up to Canada Niagara Falls and I think they required even amounts.
Jay: Yep
Anthony: Is it a Canadian law up there Jay?
Jay: Yep. I am not in the same providence up there but yeah. We don’t allow those split checks.
Anthony: So there’s no breakage? So --
Jay: No. So if someone throws a 5 it has to be $4.
Anthony: Right, Okay.
Jay: Yep. On the ships though we did take $5.
Anthony: Okay
Heather: And then would you just split it on half $2.50/ $2.50? Or would you do breakage in favor of the casino?
Jay: No. Technically we would split it. On the ship, yeah we would split it. It’s the same key so the payout is either $3 or $7 so. We don’t really have any issues with that.
Heather: Cool. And then for the high/low, the high/low refers to the 2 and the 12, so if you put any money on the high/low and a 2 or 12 hit then the key for that would be you place bet it on the 5 and 9 so the place bet on the 5 and 9 is 7 to 5. You add the 0 and then you add half of the original bet. Would you guys like anything to the high/low?
Anthony: Let’s see 5 and 9 add 0 --
Heather: So the -- for example a $5 bet you would do a place bet on the 5 & 9 so that would be $7, add the 0 so 70 and then add ½ the original bet so $72.50.
Anthony: Yep. 72 right. One thing about the multi -- anything with a 16 like you were doing the across multiplication tables like 26, 52.
Heather: Yep.
Anthony: Memorize your 16s and 31s. So you go 16, 32, 48, then 31, 62, 93. So if you have $3 on it, 93 - 3 is 90. A little bit quick that way.
Heather: Okay.
Anthony: I did multiplications when I was in school that way. 16s all the way up to whatever. That helped me out more than trying to remember which key was what. To each is own. I knew one guy who knew every single key. And it was so easy for him to use that.
Heather: Yeah. Well we had a couple dealers in our old casino that were like math wizzes and they would know it automatically. They wouldn’t even think about it. How about you Jay would you like to add anything?
Jay: It’s a good key for this one. The other way that some people do it is -- wow there’s a lot of other ways, but for this bet you can do the blackjack of it. So if it was $10 you do the blackjack, add a 0 and then minus ½ the bet. It really depends on the amount that you have because -- so like 10 blackjack is 15 add a 0 = 150 minus ½ the bet minus your $5 so it’s $145. So you still come to the same answer. Some people like adding. Some people like subtracting.
Heather: Yeah that’s a good point. Cool. Okay. I think that’s pretty much it for -- yeah that’s pretty much it. So those are all of the drills that we have for today. Did you guys want to add anything before we ended the live stream? Or the video, I should say. I am so used to saying livestream.
Anthony: Just work on your drops. You know. Two checks, four checks.
Jay: Yeah. I agree. If you don’t mind I’ll show -- Do you mind if I show a little
Heather: You want to do that?
Jay: Well I’ll show one drill.
Heather: Awesome.
Jay: We can do another day. When you are at home -- like I know a lot of people don’t have a lot of equipment. I don’t expect a lot of people to have craps tables or felts or chips or anything like that. Usually you do have chips, just because we have a lot of poker knights and what not. I think that’s probably one of the easiest things to get. For me I like using a stack but for a good craps drill you can do 12 chip drill. What we do with that -- I am going to flip over to my cam. Can you see that?
Heather: Yep.
Anthony: Yep.
Jay: Awesome. I’m just going to show one drill for your students there and I show it to my students when I’m teaching. To the point -- you have your -- Oh wow what a delay. Cool. You have your 12 chips, don’t mind that I am doing it here on the 6/8 but Anthony the picking and the dropping is so important. I usually do this with each hand. I just pick one. And then once I have it. You have a really good feel of how the chips are going to stay in your hand when you are holding a stack. Then start drop cutting one, one, one, one.
Now it’s not drop cutting it, it’s actually pushing back on the stack and placing your chip down. From there you can do two chips. And the reason why I have them up -- you know I am not placing them down, you can do that as your drill too. But the reason why I have them in my hand is because if I’m doing a payout like 42. If I’m paying out a place bet, and I need to do multiple colors, I will have a good feel of how to hold the other chips in my hand. Same goes with come backs as well. So, to continue, just drop cut your two chips. So I’m doing this with one hand. But I’ll show you with two hands after. You can drop cut three, but you can pick three. And then drop cut three. This is really good for your cross practice. And then 4 and then just pick 2, 2 drop cut 4, 4, and then pick 2, 2.
So I do that with my right and my left and both. It really gets your hands going and it gives you that dexterity when you are doing your drop cuts on the actual table. And I won’t lie to you, when I’m on the table and I’m looking out of my side and I am caseing my layout, I’m doing this with my working stacks. Don’t tell where I work that I do this.
It’s very basic. All you need is 12 chips. But the picking and the drop cutting is so important in this game that -- you know it gives you that ability to place your bets across -- place your bets across without having that struggle laying on the table. I know you can get nervous. It get’s really tough when you're doing it on a live game. But if you have that dexterity then I think that -- It’s really good, really good to have that kind of preparation when you get onto a live game.
Heather: Yeah. And I think you bring up a good point too is, not just dexterity but you want to ambidextrous. Like you want to be able to use both your right and your left hand when you are dealing craps. It’s so important to be able to use both hands when you’re dealing craps.
I remember when I was dealing craps, I would literally be at home and I would be -- I would have cereal and I would try to spoon my -- you know with the left hand and I would fail miserably. If I had to write something, I would try to write it with my left hand and ex husband would look at it and be like, “What the hell are you writing?” “Can you just write it normal?” Like I’m trying to work here. But that’s a really good point.
And also too, would you be able to show one or two presses? So pressing is something else that you want to do for drills when working from home.
Jay: Sure.
Heather: That’d be cool? Okay.
Jay: Well, normally you’d want to learn your 6 to 60 press. The 5 and 9 -- like for every place bet that you’re working on, just start with one unit. Whatever that unit is -- so in this instance we’ll start with a $6 six. Figure out your payout first and then do your press. So it’s so -- it’s very basic but if you're doing this for the first time and you have nobody actually showing you these presses, just make sure you write them down. My cap will always go out -- Sorry, my capa goes out to the players side. So I’m going to use my outside hand. I’m on the wrong side of the table here. I don’t want to show you -- well I’m going to show you something bad already. Bring out your $7 and this is your outside hand. The hand that can smack the player is your outside hand. That’s going to go out to the player. Your inside hand does a lot of the rest of the work when you are doing your press. Okay.
Do you want me to just do 6 to 60 Heather?
Heather: Oh wow.
Jay: I don’t know who much time we have here.
Heather: You can do 2 or 3 that are normal.
Jay: Okay. Nothing fancy. It really is just -- okay $6 pays 7, bring out your seven. You're going to hand out the cap, that’s your change. Now your bet goes to two units which is $12. The next payout is 14. You bring out 14 there’s nothing wrong with keeping $6. And that’s what you do if you are panicking and you don’t know what to do with the presses. The press that people learn to save time and to be efficient is to take one and leave one. The change is $8. Your outside hand will hand that out, your inside hand will stack the rest. Allright.
The next one is 21. There’s two ways of doing it. So you can bring out the 6 and the 5. Right? Again you can keep your 6, you can hand that out. The other one is 21 where you ask for the dollar, right? Opps, sorry, not in this case. 21 Sorry. I’m thinking two units. Hand out the $15 that is the change. And then you stack the rest. I’m telling you I’m out of practice.
The last one is 28. So you have 4 units, you're going to bring 28, 25 and 3 or you can bring out 30 for 2, which is another common one. I’ll show you the 30 for 2. Because the payout is 28. You overpaid it by two dollars. You can hand out 22 to the player and you're going to stack the rest. So the -- I’ll show you those ones. Those are very basic.
For your students and for anybody that is just learning, you keep the $6 first and don’t worry about these fancy presses or what not. I was taught, you need to learn how to walk before you can run. $7 the cap, that’s a normal one. 14. Keep your $6. Your understanding -- your learning what the change is, and just stack the rest because you're a beginner.
21, okay. Your going to keep $6, it still works. And if I’m on box and I'm sitting and I’m watching you, 28 is your payout. This looks like 30, if you're having troubles with that, bring out 5, still keep $6. Keeping $6 always works. That’s level one. When you are ready to progress to the next level and learn the other presses and what not. Then that’s when you ask your peers -- that when you practice at home, that’s when you kinda read up on that. And then you can learn the other ways to improve on your efficiency. Because no -- you don’t want to see 5 ones’ and 5 fives when you have a $30 bet. For a few reasons, right?
But, this is such a great game and that there are so many different ways of doing payouts. There’s so many really cool presses that you can learn, if you are allowed to do them. But, like I said you really need to -- I’m not going to show anything. I don’t want to -- I don’t want to do anything where people are like no that’s not good. There is a tradition of the game. I understand -- there are so many avenues you can take with the game. When we talk about craps and when we talk about the game itself, it’s like -- I remember when you had Jay Shippero. You had him on your channel. He’s awesome! He talked about the difference of how it was to deal before where -- compared to how it is now. And I completely understand what he is saying because, when I started and the game first came to our city, and this was like 99 so it’s pretty late but there was a lot of respect for being quiet. Not throwing the chips to the player. We weren’t being viverant or anything. You just deal the game. It’s very technical. Quiet is better. It’s respectful.
Heather: Dummy up and deal. Basically.
Jay: Pretty much, yeah. But now it’s like --
Anthony: I would love that!
Heather: Dumb, dip and deal?
Anthony: OMG. I have been on -- sometimes you don’t know -- I’ve been on dish, do they want you to talk it up? Do they want you to say, Hey you need an extra nickel on this bet or something like that. You don’t know -- they are so customer friendly now. Do you want to talk to them? Do you want to talk to the customer or do you want to be professional and show that you are technical about it? It’s kinda tough. I would love to have that. Just very serious crap game.
Jay: Yep.
Heather: When you started in the 1990’s wasn’t that what it was like?
Anthony: It was -- well Vegas was like, it was starting that family get away type --
Heather: Oh yeah that’s right.
Anthony: I spent quite a few years at Excalibur.
Heather: I’m sorry.
Anthony: I know. The armpit of the strip. Is what we used to call it. And it was like family members. A lot of people didn’t know what they were doing. Lot of $5 and $10 players. And so they kinda expected you to talk it up. Be personable with them. And then -- I can’t speak for anyone that deals at Bellagio or the Winn because I can’t afford to play there, but if it’s more -- I guess if you have a guy that buys in for $50,000 -- I’m assuming that it’s kinda a serious game.
Heather: Well you would think right?
Anthony: Who knows. Once you’re on the table you’ll never know until you get a feel of it.
Heather: Yeah
Jay: Yeah, That’s totally it. You just get a gage of how your -- of how your coworkers are, but how your players are as well.
Anthony: Yep
Jay: You get a really good read of it. I mean another thing too is that when I came in, there was a party pit. So there’s loud music right beside the dice table. So am I really going to be like monotone or anything. You gotta scream and people are complaining -- when you see dealers hawking the dice -- yeah they are hawking. And it’s like OMG. You can’t do anything, the music is loud, it’s crazy, there are dancers. Your like, Okay. Then the other instance is I am on the ships and the managers are making money. They get a commission off of table games, right? So it’s like, let’s go. Fast, fast, fast. Bring some people in, make it lively, so I really want you to make this game exciting but I want it to be a super fast game. So it’s like, so it’s like loud. We’re like -- going down, it’s faster trying to just deal as fast as you can. It’s like you don’t have to be fancy or anything but let's get payouts out there. And let’s keep going and going and going.
Heather: Yeah I remember managers like that.
Jay: Yeah.
Heather: And managers sweat the money and everything.
Jay: Sweating the money, yeah.
Heather: Yeah.
Jay: It’s crazy!
Heather: Yeah. By the way for managers out there, the worst thing you can do is sweat the money. Don’t sweat the money.
Anthony: At the end of the year are you going to remember the one day that the table lost $10,000, are you going to remember that? At the end of the year when all of the money is counted? Come on!
Heather: Yeah. Would you guys like to add anything before we end this video?
Anthony: I noticed you didn’t do anything with the horn bet.
Heather: Yeah.
Anthony: It’s particularly the same thing. 16 and 31.
Heather: Yeah and I figured we would do the horn bet and a few other prop bets in a future video. If you guys will come back, I would love to have you back!
Anthony: Yeah sure!
Jay: Oh yeah!
Heather: Yeah. Thank you guys so much for being on. Thank you so much for doing this, and thank you for sharing your knowledge to everyone who is watching and listening. Myself included, thank you very much, very much appreciated.
Anthony: No problem! See you in four months.
Heather: Now back to our viewers, if you like this video and you want to help support Vegas Aces then one of the ways you can do so is by going to